We Offer – Tools


The Interior Ruler®

      • Introductory price € 93 (normally € 107) excl. VAT and shipping
      • Comes with re-insertable branded compass
      • The Interior Ruler measures 16.5 x 16.5 cm.
      • Made in 3 mm. recycled acrylic.
      • Available in English (no Chinese script characters)
      • Made for render with a 0.5 lead pencil
      • Leaflet included

The Interior Ruler makes it possible for you to apply inner drivers of sustainability in our interiors. Aligning the physical, psychological, and consciousness layers of clients to the built environment, functions, personal characteristics, and preferences applied to defined built environments prove effective in matters of both de-stressing, performing responsibility, or enlarging your comfort zone.

Please read the extracurricular content here.


 An example of wall theme art piece: A customized activated wealth point in a private residence.

House Jewelleries

Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design (BCRID) points are designed to lift a defined energy type in the built environment for the benefit of you living in the residence or for you spending time in your work environment.


Curious engaging your Qi?

You are welcome to contact me, offers are given in individual quotations on your preferred target.
Information remains confidential

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