Mr. B. is a mature man. He has a full-time job and is responsible for household, and for helping children and grand children on each their way. In his life, until this point, he has experienced many facets of existence in each their phases. Such, as most of us, he has experienced phases of anxiety, years of joy and success, and times of stress.

A responsible familyman in spite of stress.
A responsible family man in spite of stress.

The last many years, the stress have dominated his life to an extent, where the dis-ease has taken over. With three hours of sleep a night, Mr. B. had to take care of his responsibilities while experiencing himself as a zombie.

“I only reach a light sleep – to the dream stage. I do not experience a heavy sleep, not getting a good night’s sleep.”   


As interior professionals exercising BCRID© services (Bio-charged Interior Design) we do not delve into personal causes. They may be many. Our expertise focusses on the environment. More specifically, our aim is to unlock fixations in the near environment grid locking Mr. B.’s energetic patterns.

In conformity with his Garmin watch, the experienced stress levels were profoundly high during the night: up to 27% during normal nocturnal hours.

Mr. B. sleeps with a Garmin watch. His watch is showing up to 27% stress each night.
Mr. B. sleeps with a Garmin watch. His watch is showing up to 27% stress each night.

We found related points below his bed, in his mattress, and carried in the wall behind his headboard:

  • Black streams
  • Curry Grid
  • And a sha/shia qi spot

The three points kept each other in check: the black stream was effective 35 cm.’s above floor level, in Mr. B.’s mattress, where parts of a curry grid had become tangled. The three points have been tightly locked together directly in Mr. B’s sleeping area. When a person is exposed to this for many hours, every night, an exceptionally good health is needed for effective daily functioning.

A black stream is, in this case, an underground stream of varying amounts of gas and water in a mix. Its effect may vary from nightmares to a sense of nausea due to experiences like being poisoned. Often the person exposed to this may know, that it is not ’my’ nightmare or nausea.

A curry grid drops down from above. The grid has its origin in cosmic influences. The lines increase their radiation during nights and its is dynamically influenced by the lunar cycles. The main effects on health counts insomnia.

sha/shia qi is the negative side of the nourishing force of life. It stops the nourishing flow of qi energy, also to Mr. B. The powerful energy sucked up the little left-over positive energy on the spot. The negative energy was trapped in the mattress of Mr. B. as a Gordian knot. The reign of the three fell, treating the curry grid and the black stream.

“F… this”, Mr. B. thought, “I do not believe in energetic methods. I cannot see them; I cannot relate to them. – You have your fun with it”.

– And so, we started the ‘taming’ process of Mr. B.’s near environment. During the process, he obtained a stable 7 hours sleep a night.

Mr. B. became unconsciously an instrument of the environment. Keeping his energy and health at a reduced stage he became a victim of the untamed near environment: Diseases related to the heart, lungs, blood, and bones were bearable for a long time because he was nourished by his preferred environment, through his wife’s elemental relationship.

Mr. B. obtained a stable 7 hours sleep a night.
Mr. B. obtained a stable 7 hours sleep a night.

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