Bio-charged Points in the Built Environment
Space users who want an optimal use of their environment can plan how their built environment should work for them. For those who have had their living and working area assessed and subsequently entered a Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design©...
Curating Living Spaces
Blissbode offers to curate the space in which you, your family, or your employees, spend your/their time. The purpose of the assessment is to define to what extend interior living conditions can be improved to support not only health, but ability to concentrate thus...
Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design© Applied to Design Services
Bio-charged Regenerative Interior Design© (BCRID) is the first of three phases of an elite interior design. This introductory article focuses on this first phase. First phase: Influences on the human space-user from the site's geobiological conditions and timely...
Societal Value of Aesthetics
Architecture, design, and interior design values are based on functionality and efficiency. Aesthetics is an allowed add on when the finances are calculated, when crude functionality and soulless efficiency is satisfied in the name of economic growth. This...
Environmental Tool – Downloadable Leaflet
Do you like a fun an easy way to gain consciousness of the build environment of your clients? Then you can use the interior ruler. How will you use it? – Please download an introduction her. For further extracurricular knowledge, please visit...
The Interior Ruler – Downloadable Booklet
Blissbode introduces a tool to the interior market: The interior ruler. The ruler makes it possible for us to apply inner drivers of sustainability in our interiors as promoted by and in Denmark by...
Joy: The ultimate measure of interior
My Perception: Let your Interior Contribute with Joy Below you will read: The UN requires us to reach for spiritual transformation to reach personal sustainability. The transformation enables joy to be the ultimate awareness interior can contribute with to the user’s...
Applied Global Consciousness in the Interior Design Profession
The following article is about the knowledge sharing ‘Design Denmark’ offers to facilitate. In this interior design network, resourceful interior design professionals share their knowledge of how empathy, inclusiveness and open consciousness develop the profession’s...
Find your Element – and Asses it
How to use this tool Use one copy of the document per client. Getting the Date Right Ask the client for permission to mark the year in which her/his birthday falls: You do not need to now the exact date. However, you do need to be careful about the dates where one...
Transforming Psychological Waste with Interior Design
The article briefs you about subconscious effects of interior design tools, that transforms psychological waste and enable users of a space to pursue meaningful lifestyles in greater joy. It also invites you to access and use such tools and to get acquainted with the tools by letting us cross check the tools together.